Signposting & Information
Information & Drop-In service
Deveron District Age Concern helps older people understand modern bureaucracy, particularly if you are not familiar with computers or uncertain where to start.
Our shop manager can provide support and information through our signposting service. Advice typically covers indentifying available support from authorities and organisations, helping with phone numbers or assistance with filling in forms.
We can point you in the right direction for a variety of those worrying problems:
- Legal and Family Issues.
- Health and Wellbeing.
- Care and Support.
- Money Matters.
- Housing and Energy
We work closely with many other organisations and we can provide various brochures at our shop that can contain helpful advice, information and support contacts for those in need. These leaflets are available to anyone visiting our shop, free of charge, please ask our Manager. We do not keep stocks of brochures but print out "up to date" versions using our printer.